International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care

International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care

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Promoting Hospice & Palliative Care Worldwide


2008; Volume 9, No 3, March



Main Index:

IAHPC's Homepage

News Table of Contents

Message from the Chair

Message from the Executive Director

Palliative Care Book of the Month and Book Reviews

IAHPC’s New Board Members

Regional Reports: Croatia, India, Israel


Webmaster’s Corner

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IAHPC Newsletter Team

William Farr, PhD, MD

Liliana De Lima, MHA

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IAHPC’s New Board Members 
(continued from last month)


Dr. Peter Hudson
Dr. Peter Hudson

Peter Hudson (RN, PhD) is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Centre for Palliative Care Education and Research, an academic unit located within St Vincent’s Hospital, affiliated with The University of Melbourne (Victoria, Australia). Peter is a member of the Department of Human Services Palliative Care Implementation Advisory Committee Victoria, past Vice President of Palliative Care Victoria and co-founder of the International Palliative Care Family Caregiver Research Collaboration. Peter has a significant background in palliative care education and research, and has extensive experience as a palliative care nurse. He leads several competitively funded multi-site research studies and has published widely in international journals.

Dr. Richard Harding
Dr. Richard Harding

Richard Harding originally read Social Anthropology and Sociology joint honors at Brunel University and the University of Amsterdam under an ERASMUS scholarship. He went on to win Home Office funding to study for the MSc in Social Policy and Social Work Studies at the London School of Economics.

Following clinical practice in care management of HIV and palliative care, he won a PhD fellowship and was awarded a PhD in Public Health at King's College London where he developed and tested a short term group intervention for informal carers under palliative care. He was subsequently awarded a personal fellowship to work with the Human Resources and Services Administration of Columbia University and worked on research toward PEPFAR's palliative care program.

He is now Senior Lecturer in the Department of Palliative Care, Policy and Rehabilitation at King's College London School of Medicine. He teaches at the MSc level on palliative care and supervises a number of PhD students. He is Editor of AIDS Care. His main research areas are non-cancer (heart failure and HIV), informal carers and palliative care in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Founding IAHPC Board Member

Periodically we will publish the updated bibliographies of our founding board members who continue to serve IAHPC. One such person is Dr. Roger Woodruff who, for many years, has faithfully written monthly reviews of palliative care books for our newsletters and website. He also contributes substantially to the multiple activities of the board.
Thank you Roger!


Dr. Roger Woodruff
Dr. Roger Woodruff

Roger Woodruff graduated in medicine from the University of Melbourne.  As a post-graduate he specialised in clinical haematology and medical oncology and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP).  He was awarded a Clinical Research Fellowship of the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia that enabled him to continue his studies at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund Department of Medical Oncology at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London.  After returning to Australia, he became increasingly involved in the field of palliative care and helped establish and develop the Austin Hospital Palliative Care Service as well as the regional community-based Mid Eastern Palliative Care Service in suburban Melbourne.  He was director of Palliative Care at Austin Health, a major teaching hospital of the University of Melbourne, until September 2007.  He has served as Chairman of the Palliative Care Group of the Clinical Oncological Society of Australia and as a member of the Specialist Advisory Committee for Training in Palliative Medicine of the RACP.  His textbook Palliative Medicine – Evidence-based symptomatic and supportive care for patients with advanced cancer  is in its fourth edition and is distributed by Oxford University Press.  He was awarded foundation Fellowship of the Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine (FAChPM) in 2000.

He has been a member of the Board of IAHPC since its inception and served as Chairman for three years, 1998 – 2000.

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