2011; Volume 12, No 09, September

Roberto Wenk, MD Liliana De Lima, MHA


Table of Contents

IAHPC's Homepage

Message from the Chair and Executive Director

Special Announcement – IAHPC Membership Recognition Prizes!

IAHPC Traveling Scholar’s Report

Article of the Month

Palliative Care Book of the Month and Other Reviews


Members and Donors

Webmaster’s Corner - Website of the Month

Donate to the IAHPC

IAHPC Newsletter Team

William Farr, PhD, MD

Liliana De Lima, MHA

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Message from the Chair and Executive Director

Dear readers:

This month we want to highlight 3 useful resources to help advance palliative care globally:

1. Members’ Recognition Month: IAHPC is benefited every day by the hard work of our members who are devoted to the advancement of hospice and palliative care worldwide. Members exemplify a continuing commitment to patient care, improving education and developing favorable policies consistent with our mission.

We are delighted to announce that the IAHPC has designated October as our Members’ Recognition Month. We wish to build awareness and understanding of the vital function that our members play in the advancement of our mission and to formally acknowledge their support.

Under this framework, IAHPC will be giving a prize in two categories in our membership program: a) Recognizing member loyalty and b) Increasing our membership. This edition of the NL includes a copy of the announcement and the conditions that must be met to apply. Please spread the word and help us grow our membership!

2. Pallipedia: We are also delighted to announce that Pallium India http://palliumindia.org/ will be collaborating with IAHPC to improve and nurture Pallipedia, our free online palliative care dictionary www.pallipedia.org

Pallipedia offers visitors two options:

  • To search for a term or concept related to the field of Palliative Care. The search capability includes stop words and query language.
  • It also accepts the submission of a term or concept related to the field of Palliative Care. Accepted terms and concepts are automatically indexed in alphabetical order.

The quality of the dictionary is ensured through a set of criteria which has to be met in order for a term to be accepted and uploaded. Pallipedia offers only definitions published in peer reviewed journals, reference publications, or resulting from sound consensus based processes. To date, and thanks to Fundacion FEMEBA in Argentina and now Pallium India, the dictionary has 813 terms and 923 definitions. It registers more than 150 visitors per day and has become a useful tool for palliative care workers around the globe.

3. The International Palliative Care Resource Center at the Institute of Palliative Medicine in San Diego has announced that current as well as archived “Treat the Pain / LIFE Before Death’ videos are now available for viewing, discussion and downloading from www.IPCRC.net

The current video is always at http://www.ipcrc.net/news/treat-the-pain/ Check this URL weekly for the latest video, read the call to action and participate in the discussions.

We hope you will enjoy and take advantage of these great resources!

Until next month,

Roberto Wenk, MD
Chair, Board of Directors

Liliana De Lima, MHA
Executive Director

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