2009; Volume 10, No 3, March

Anne Laidlaw - IAHPC


Main Index:

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News Table of Contents

Message from the Chair and Executive Director

Welcome Dr. Florian Strasser (Switzerland) to the IAHPC Board

Regional Reports: Saudi Arabia and Asia

Palliative Care Book of the Month and Book Reviews

Human Rights Watch calls on the UN

Conferences and Meetings

Webmaster’s Corner

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IAHPC Newsletter Team

William Farr, PhD, MD

Liliana De Lima, MHA

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Webmaster's Corner

Anne Laidlaw - IAHPC Webmaster

File-Sharing hidden costs

File-sharing can give internet users access to a wealth of information, including ebooks, music, games and software. How do you share files? You download software that will connect your computer to a network of other computer users running the same software. Millions of users could be connected to each other through this software at any given time. Often, the software is free and easy to access.

But file-sharing can also be risky. If you don't check the proper settings when installing the software, you could allow access not only to the files you intend to share, but also to all files on your hard drive, like your tax returns, email messages, medical records, photos, or other personal documents. In addition, you may unwittingly download malware or pornography labeled as something else. Or you may download material that is protected by the copyright laws, which would mean you could be breaking the law.

If you decide to use file-sharing software, be sure to read the End User Licensing Agreement to be sure you understand and are willing to tolerate the potential risks of free downloads. Be very careful what you download.

Use security, anti-spyware & anti-virus software that updates automatically. Use a firewall! A firewall helps keep hackers from using your computer to send out your personal information without your permission. The firewall will alert you when your computer detects data incoming or outgoing.

For the cost of a few mp3's or a movie file or two, is it worth it to possibly get a virus, download a file called new_hits.mp3 to find out it is porn or even worse let an intruder read your passwords from your computer to access your banking information? I will stick with itunes for now.

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Until next month!

Anne Laidlaw
IAHPC Webmaster

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